Dev's Profile Picture

Dev Naganoolil

Undergraduate Student Majoring in Computer Science

Currently A Senior At The University Of Texas At Arlington

Link To Contact Information


Throughout my whole life, computers have been a part of me. Whether it be the small smartphones we carry around or the 20-pound desktops that we keep at our houses, I have always known that I want to work with them. As a computer science major, I am intrigued by how the programs function on the devices. I always wonder, "How did they program this, Why does this work this type of way," and such forth.

As a senior at the University of Texas at Arlington, I've not only completed numerous computer science courses but have also had the valuable opportunity to apply my knowledge in real-world settings through internships. These experiences have significantly enhanced my skill set, sharpening my problem-solving abilities, fostering creative thinking, and giving me practical insights into the field. With a strong foundation in computer science and hands-on internship experience, I am now actively seeking a job opportunity where I can harness my skills and knowledge to contribute to the growth and improvement of a company.




Work Experience

Length Work
Jan 2020 - Jun 2020 Mathnasium Tutor
Jan 2019 - Aug 2019 Kumon Tutor

Awards and Certifications

Awards Certifications
U.T.A. Dean's List
Presidental Scholarship
Microsoft Office Specialist
General Industry Safety and Health